My s15 has arrived


Well no pics or cool action vids this time. Just a little update on my life. So I graduated college November 19, 2008 with a degree in Business Management/Entrepreneurship. Thank ya, thank ya. I have struggled to find a job in our shit hole of an economy. I went to an interview in Chicago a couple weeks ago for a teaching position in Japan. Low and behold about a week later I was offered the job. I have been dreaming of this job for about the last 4 years, so I was rather happy. Although I am leaving my beautiful girlfriend and loving brother/friends behind, I like to think it will be an extended vacation with pay, so I will be back. I have decided to store my car at my parents house for the year I will be gone. I don't know if I am going to be able to drive while I am there or not yet, so time will tell whether I buy a car there. Perhaps sell my car here in the states to make a purchase there..which I don't think I am going to do. I am really just looking forward to traveling the country and broadening my cultural intelligence. I have fully learned hiragana, and have been slacking on katakana, which I will definitely learn within the next month or so. Once I have mastered both I will start really concentrating on and speaking, which I am already working on a little. I love studying the language and hope to become decent at it while I am there.

Sorry I know no one is going to want to read all this

