My s15 has arrived

Cruise - Roatan (Part 2)

In Roatan we went on a snorkeling excursion.  We went to a resort and hung out along the beach for about 45 minutes.  Drank and whatnot and then got on our boat, which took us out into the ocean about 10 mins away from land.  I jumped off the ship into the underwater paradise.  We snorkeled for about an hour before packing up, I seen lots of exotic fish, but the coolest creature I seen was these massive lobsters.  They were a blueish/gray color and were down in the rocks, it was really cool.  At the end there was a sunken ship you could dive down to if you were capable, but it was kind of hard to see.  There were a bunch of divers that went down just before we arrived and stirred up a bunch of dirt.  I dove down about 15-20 ft and got a decent view of it, it was pretty eerie.  No pics of the diving since I didn't have an underwater camera, but here are some pics from Roatan, Honduras.

Early morning sunrise before we arrived.

Pulling up close.

Seen this neat crab by the shore.

Iguana are very common through the island.  They are a staple food for the natives.  We did eat iguana but I didn't care for how it was prepared, it wasn't horrible, but it was great either.  I seen probably 4 just running around just in the short time I was there.

There are these wild monkeys that come up to you, if you have some food ect you can get them to climb on your shoulders and pet them, but they can be aggressive!  My mom set her pina colada down to take a picture and one ran up and stole it!  It took it up into the tree and started chugging it down lol..

Here is my brother getting bombarded as they tried to get his coconut drink as well.

It was beautiful there.
