My s15 has arrived

The Weekend

This weekend was super chill, literally it was kinda cold haha. Friday I just stayed home and enjoyed my own company.. Slept in a little bit and then hit up a BBQ for my friend's surprise Bday party. I got to eat lots of foods that I haven't had in a while since it was on base. I ate entirely too much, but I guess once in a while is ok. Today I did much of nothing but it was ok I guess, went and had ramen later in the evening so I took a picture for everyone. This is a type of tantanmen ramen, it was pretty spicy but really good. This was at a restaurant. Despite all the ramen I eat here being good, I have yet to have a better ramen than the small mom n' pop shop around the corner..nothing beat's their cooking!



  1. who knew Ramen could look so fancy.. lol

  2. <3 the mom n pop one around the corner..

  3. I want to love the mom and pop one around the corner =(

    I haven't had a legit bowl of ramen in like 4 years.


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