My s15 has arrived

Matsuri & Car Shiz

Went drifting Saturday but cops were posted at every spot.. sucks lately.. luckily since we know they are posted around the corner we just slide where they aren't until they figure it out and come break it up haha

Sunday was a Matsuri (festival) so I grabbed some of that food!

There were some kids and other older people doing dance demos

Picked up a bag of shrimp chips, I love these things ^^

Picked up the new Doriten

Pretty cool Rocket Bunny article

Lastly the spot that is in this pic is where I was Saturday night.  I slide with a lot of the guys featured in this article so I am pretty bummed I wasn't out the night the Doriten people came to take street pics :(  Kinda woulda made my day to have myself in this article about street drifting here..



  1. that festival looks like a blast!! wish i was there..

  2. You must be having a blast over there man! The yellow tinted gauges on the rocket bunny 14 are pretty gnarly.

  3. Ya I wish too Jordan

    Ya they are cool, and yup I am haha

  4. I'm bummed I'm not there in general. Wish I could have spent these last two years over there with you (not living with you of course, you would have killed me by now lol).

  5. lol^ half way throughout your comment i was thinking (brian would kill him)

  6. Haha yea me to snoddy.. and yea.. def not in my place LOL


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