My s15 has arrived


Some Christmas light up around the train station and on the streets here in Yokosuka =)

Had Thai food the other day, gota love some Thai food :)

Went out for a friends birthday the other night and had some food and drinks at an Izakaya..

Went to a Hookah bar and smoked the Hookah for the first time in like 2 years prolly, it was pretty nice :)

Now its raining on a Saturday and I am really bored :(


  1. Dope.

    And yes Thai food is the best.

    P.S. That Christmas tree is pretty scrawny lol.

  2. haha yea it is but then again its just a normal tree decorated for xmas..

  3. is that a real tree? looks pretty! :)

    oh i love the night street like that!

  4. You went to a Hooker bar??lol. What is Hookah? Lights and tree look nice, Mom and I were talking the other night you should bring a Christmas decoration from Japan home for the tree! Can't wait to see U and the Thai food looks awesome, maybe next time...


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