My s15 has arrived

A look into my work life & Game Center

So many of you have never seen a Japanese teachers room. They look very messy, but I assure you they are super organized, the teachers in Japan just do A LOT of work. Anyways most of you who know me well know that I have a lot of free time and I spend most of that time at my desk. The teacher next to me is pretty young and funny, despite not really speaking english we joke around a lot. Today he was trying to type something up and couldn't get it right so I started recording lol. Anyways I thought some of you would like to see what my work day consists of besides teaching haha. Enjoy ^^

720P of course!

PS I sound like an idiot but I promise I'm talking like that mockingly because he can't get it right lol..

Ok these 2 video are horrible I know.. they are wobbly ect ect but whatever.. I figure they are better than nothing. Those of you who talk to me often know I used to go to game center almost everyday like 6 months ago. I haven't been in so long but I found my key for Battle Gear the other day and decided to go tonight since there is nothing to do.

First vid is walking inside..

Second vid is me selecting my car ect on Battle Gear

Having the iPhone is really gona help showing you guys more of Japan and my daily life so hopefully you enjoy it haha.. and I promise I will start taking better videos ><


  1. holy crap my childhood dream haha.

    wow an actual key. how's the d1 game, awesome?

  2. D1 game is kinda cool, but I prefer Battle Gear over the D1 game and Initial D

    Haha yea the key is cool, stores all your info and you can go online and edit/buy all the crap for your car with the points you earn from playing.. it's pretty awesome :)

  3. Lol, the size and layout of your office area looks almost exactly like the one in Wangan Midnight, both the anime and the live action.

  4. We have to hit that up when I visit.

  5. Very neat videos man, thanks for sharing!
    That game center looks like a dream playground.

  6. Looks like the teacher's room from GTO.


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