My s15 has arrived

Sushi Party and Christmas Gifts

Last night I got invited to go over to a friends house because they were having a small get together. One of my English teacher friend`s recently got engaged so congratulations to her ^^ They had about 250 pieces of sushi delivered along with about 8 liters of Japanese sake <3 We sat around traditional Japanese style on the floor with a small table in the middle just drinking and eating for about 4 hours. I had a real nice time so thanks!

Here you can see the traditional tatami flooring, sake cup, sushi and small saucer of soy <3

Today I went to do a little Christmas shopping as I will be heading home in about 20 days! It just isn`t shopping in my opinion without some starbucks! Green tea frappuccino and a chocolate chunk scone heated up was the choice for today.

I bought 2 small gifts today, whoever gets these will be pretty surprised I think ^^ The old man and woman running the shop offered to wrap them for me for free since I told them they were christmas gifts <3 People are so friendly here it`s great :)


  1. Did you get a gift for me?!? =)

  2. Wow, that's awesome that people would do that for free... here it would be more like "Oh, that's a gift? For $10, we'll wrap it"
    But that scone looks pretty beast, making me hungry now.

  3. sweet i want one of those bad boys at the bottom.

    That sushi looks amazing too..

  4. man that green tea frappe is really... green. god everything in japan is so much better haha


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