My s15 has arrived

Nagoya Pt. 2

After the castle I went to an aquarium..

Huge turtles, they were at least a meter long.

Biggest shell recorded.. Crazy to think animals around these days used to be so huge.. I wonder why they don't get like that anymore :/

Then I ate ramen


  1. Haha not this time.. I was going for that cold lonely feel ya know lol

  2. Do they make Ramen with turtle in it? This post leads me to believe that that would be incredibly delicious.

  3. I didn't want to be the one to say it but that picture looks like you're taking a shasta LOL Cute dolphins by the way

  4. No turtle ramen boo boo

    Lol that's because I was ;)

  5. Wow, i WISH i could get out & see the world like this... :-(


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