My s15 has arrived

Throw-back Gaming

I went to Hard-Off today to get rid of tons of clothes that I don't wear anymore primarily because they are too big for me.  Hard-Off is like the Japanese version of a pawn shop except a lot nicer and they have everything from Louis Vuitton to Manga.  I was browsing the gaming section and found some interesting things :D

I never seen white Gamecube controllers back in the states.  Have you?

Looking at the old game gear brought back serious memories as well as reminded me of how huge it was haha.. It's still priced rather high at about 90 USD.

Pretty cool handheld I never remembered seeing.

Gamecubes with Gameboy ports built in the bottom.

Famicon (SNES) and Pikachu edition N64

Then I hit up a popular Japanese food chain comparable to McDonald's in the states as far as popularity. I have shredded beef with spicy kimchi and sauce over rice with a small salad and miso soup.. $4 bucks!


  1. That Hard-off place seems awesome. And I love the name lololol.

    And you are starting to piss me off with all this cheap awesome looking food.4 Dollars? You can't even get a combo meal at McDonalds for 4 bucks! And McDonalds is crap compared to this.

  2. Yea its good stuff haha..the food and the store :) Sorry though I just like showing you what your missing hehe

  3. I still have my NES and SNES. Wouldn't trade them for the world lol


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