My s15 has arrived

Life & P0werm0ve

Hella random stuff but I haven't been updating much lately so here is some stuff.  I am still around and all just a little busy since work started back up.

Had cold soba the other night after going to the dentist to get the cap of my implanted tooth re-cemented on :/

I always try to get as close to the wall or whatever is around when drifting, pushing it to the limits is what it's all about.  This came from a curb a few weekends ago so that shows basically my whole back bumper was over it :D

Went to Yubo's last night to pay for my entry to Mobara @ Chiba this weekend!  Ended up hanging out for over 3 hours just chatting.  Crazy I remember meeting him about 2 years ago and not speaking one sentence of Japanese.  I used to dream of the day I could just talk to anyone.  Although my Japanese isn't great is good enough yay :D


Another car guy stopped by and joined us.  He had a pretty gangster s13

Thanks to my boy over at p0werm0ve for hooking me up with a bunch of stickers.  I'll be glad to spread the love :)

Troy's pile getting big fast for Mobara

Put some sticks on <3  Sorry it was dark out I will have lots of pics after this weekend..

Stopped and ate sushi for dinner tonight on my way home.

... I love Japan ^^


  1. You're the man, Brian!
    Sucks about your tooth though.
    That does not sound like fun.

    Looking forward to Mobara drift report!

  2. man that sushi line looks great right about now, and i just crawled out of bed lol.

  3. I miss Japan..... tell everyone i said whats up whenever you get a chance.

  4. Thanks for the comment and thanks ruizy poo haha.. Aight snoddy I will

  5. Yubo is the man!!! Jealous!

    Glad to see the stickers made their way!


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