Touge Session

LA's Goodbye Party

Well we had a going away party at Yubo's last night for LA, but I would like to think of it as more of a see ya later party since I am sure we will hang out again... Maybe some tandem ^^

ソロソロその時間になっちゃったね。昨日LA の送別会ありました…でも、さようならじゃないよね!ゼッタイまた会うのでなんかまたねーパーティーみたいだった(^-^)また会おうね!またいつか一緒にタンデムするかな~

Bunch of friends came out last night to hang out, eat, and have some drinks despite being Sunday.


Also got to try some raw whale meat pictured below. Really good stuff it actually has the taste of steak but with the texture of tuna. I probably won't order it for the sake of the whales, but since it was brought out of course I had to try it :) I don't know whether I like horse or whale better lol..

実は鯨肉のために注文しないと思う…だけどゆうぼうのサービスメニューなので..もちろん食べて見たかった(^O^☆♪ 本当に美味しかったよ!味はなんかステーキっぽいでも食感はまぐろっぽい…面白い




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