My s15 has arrived

Mt. Futagoyama (二子山)

It's the weekend and today I didn't have much going on so I decided to go on a little hike.  My friend told me about this area in Zushi, which is really close to where I live, so I went over there today.  Go to JR Higashi Zushi station and you'll see this map when you go out the exit.  It was really pretty, probably one of the better hikes I've been on around Yokosuka so I would definitely recommend it #^_^#

Basically head straight out of the station until you run into this elementary school.  From there you can just follow the signs to Futagoyama (二子山).

Although the "hill" is only about 207m. it took about an hour to get to the top.  It was really muddy in some areas too so make sure you aren't worried about getting whatever shoes you wear too dirty.  If course it is rainy season now and has been raining alot, so at other times of the year you may be fine.

My gf happened to give me this citronella scented bracelet last night to repel mosquitos so I wore it today on my adventure.  

More signs, watch out for wasps and pit vipers.  I've seen quite a few snakes in Japan but I don't think I have ever seen a viper so I wouldn't stress too much about it.  Also Japan doesn't really have really poisonous spiders like the US does so I wouldn't stress too much about danger.

The top boasts a pretty nice view, especially if it's clear, however it wasn't so much today.

Moss covered walls.  Something I have really been into lately for some reason. マイブーム if that's even a term used anymore lol.
